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Detoxification // Alcohol

What you need to know about Alcohol

Overview of Alcohol

Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance. Alcohol is easily accessed, is relatively cheap, and in many cases, socially acceptable. Though alcohol is in some ways “socially acceptable”, there are some dangerous effects of alcohol that can lead to dependence and potentially death.

There are different categories of effects that are caused by alcohol. Some are almost immediate, and others are long-term effects. 

According the the CDC, the following are some effects attributed to alcohol abuse:

Short Term Effects

Slurred Speech

● Emotional Outbursts

● Nausea

● Unsteady Balance

● Vision Impairment

● Vomiting

Long Term Effects

● Anxiety

● Cancer

● Heart Disease

High Blood Pressure

● Weakened Immune System

● Depression

Categorization Of Drinking

Excessive drinking is considered as heavy drinking, binge drinking, underage drinking, and drinking while pregnant. The most common forms of excessive drinking would be binge drinking and heavy drinking, which can be defined as:

Binge Drinking

Women: Four or more standard drinks during a single occasion

Men: Five or more standard drinks during a single occasion

Heavy Drinking

Women: Eight or more standard drinks throughout the week

Men: Fifteen or more standard drinks throughout the week

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When alcohol becomes a serious issue in one's life, the body becomes dependent on the substance. In some cases, individuals cannot function whatsoever without alcohol. When alcohol is removed from the daily routine of an alcoholic, the body begins to go into withdrawal.

Inpatient detoxification at LA Valley Recovery can be greatly beneficial for those suffering from alcohol abuse. Alcohol is a substance in which the withdrawal can be fatal if the patient is not monitored closely. With close monitoring throughout the detoxification process along with medication management, LA Valley Recovery ensures that the withdrawal symptoms are managed as best as possible while making sure the client is safely walked through the process.

Detoxification allows the patient to eliminate alcohol from their daily routine. This process, unfortunately, comes with some uncomfortably which varies in severity depending on the amount of alcohol the patient was using prior to admitting to treatment, how long alcohol was being abused, and also any potential pre-existing conditions that can be heightened due to alcohol abuse.

Inpatient Detoxification For Alcohol at LA Valley Recovery

LA Valley Recovery specializes in responding to each individual situation promptly. Here we will describe the initial steps during admission and initiation of the detoxification treatment plan.



Prior to arrival at LA Valley Recovery, our admissions staff will conduct a thorough pre-screen to identify the areas in which alcohol has become an issue. This will identify substance use history, medical history, employment information, and other things in order to prepare the team for your arrival. This allows our medical staff to have a better understanding of the history of each client.


Upon arrival at LA Valley Recovery, you will be greeted by medical and operational personnel who will immediately begin assessments to identify the severity of the situation at hand.


After medical and admissions assessments are completed, clients can be given medication to begin combating the symptoms of withdrawal.


Once initial assessments are completed and medications are given to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms, clients will be seen by our Medical Director, Dr. Courtney Scott. Dr. Scott will then review the assessments and further identify issues at hand to improve and build on the detoxification treatment plan. 

How Long Does Alcohol Detox Last?

Typically the detoxification process lasts anywhere between 3 and 10 days depending on the severity of the withdrawal symptoms. Though, every individual reacts differently to the removal of alcohol, so the detoxification period will look and feel slightly different between individuals. There is no “cookie cutter” approach to the detoxification process. Every individual reacts differently. This is where the experienced medical team comes in to save the day! Through experience, our Medical staff at LA Valley Recovery have a keen sense for identifying certain aspects of the detoxification severity symptoms in order to properly manage the withdrawal period.


Get the help you need

LA Valley Recovery is standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ready to help find the best treatment options for you.

  • Do I need Alcohol Addiction Treatment?
    This is a question that is frequently asked, but unfortunately is a hard question to answer on your own. The best way to find the answer to this question would be to speak with an addiction specialist at LA Valley Recovery, your local area, or anywhere that addiction services are provided. This question can be a tough one to self-assess even when life has begun to become unmanageable. There are some questions you can ask yourself to help make the decision before reaching out to LA Valley Recovery for treatment for alcohol abuse. Do you find yourself drinking every day? When you begin drinking, are you unable to stop until you are unable to function? Have you neglected other areas of your life to focus on drinking? Have your loved ones expressed concerns regarding your drinking? If the answer to some or all of these questions is yes, then there is a good chance that inpatient detoxification for alcohol addiction is necessary.
  • Is Alcoholism Linked To My Anxiety/Depression?
    There is plenty of evidence supporting the connection between alcoholism and anxiety/depression. It is common for someone with anxiety/depression to seek solace from those feelings and end up relying on alcohol for the relief that they are searching for. This is a temporary solution to a long-term problem. In other cases, anxiety/depression begins to spike due to the extreme consumption of alcohol. For more in-depth information on the link between alcoholism and anxiety/depression, please refer to the following link:
  • What Should I Expect When Detoxing From Alcohol?
    The detoxification process does vary between individuals, but there are some common signs and symptoms related to alcohol detoxification. Our team at LA Valley Recovery is dedicated to walking you through the ups and downs of detox. Some of the potential symptoms include: Heightened Anxiety Cold Sweats Nausea Hallucinations Seizures Increased Heart Rate Heightened Depression Death Detoxification from alcohol is one of the most dangerous processes for someone with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Due to the potential seizures that can happen during the detoxification process, it is highly recommended that an inpatient, medically supervised program, such as LA Valley Recovery is the safest option when removing alcohol from the individual's daily routine. Though every individual experiences the symptoms of withdrawal differently based on their substance use history, it is highly recommended to attend a 24/7 supervised program in order to reduce the chances of irreversible damage or death. Detoxification is a process that must include careful monitoring, medication management, and willingness from the patient to be open and honest about the thoughts and feelings that are occurring during the process. The willingness to open up to the dedicated staff members at LA Valley Recovery must span across past drinking history, current thoughts and feelings, and the overall effectiveness of the detoxification process in order to individualize the steps needing to be taken to ensure the best possible chance at sustained abstinence from all substances in the future. For more information regarding our Alcohol Detoxification process at LA Valley Recovery, please reach out to us here for a prompt response!
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